Saturday, September 6, 2014

Decorating Indoors

Stark Contrast Landscaping is passionate about landscaping, remodels, and helping you increase the value of your home. We offer our customers full landscape redesigns, installing/removing treesroutine maintenance, and helpful seasonal tips to keep your yard vibrant.

But we get just as excited about dolling up the inside of your home, as well. Sticking with our theme, from our last blog, we wanted to show you a few of our favorite ways to decorate your home with succulents.
Each succulent is beautiful on their own. Installing wooden tiered shelves can serve as the perfect succulent holders. This creates a clean look indoors, while still adding the freshness of the outdoors into your home. (You can purchase these exact, half moon wooden shelves, on Etsy) When thinking of how to decorate the inside of your home, be create!

These unique succulent vases (To the right) are even perfect for creating a beautiful centerpiece at your dinning table. Attaching them to the ceiling will allow you to hang multiple succulents at different heights. Creating decorations like this, in your home, is bound to make your home a "pin worthy" humble abode!

We are excited to announce that we will be posting a video of simple DIY projects you can do at your home. Keep checking back with us to find out more adorable ideas to make your house a home!

For more information on how we can help service your home and yard, please contact us today: 
(480) 277-1993 

We are excited to help you create your dream home!